Managers have the ability to maintain user records, and to provide full access, read-only access, or no access to
certain routines. The Manager Tasks menu was designed with security in mind, which allows certain users to be
disallowed from Manager Tasks, simply by un-checking the group header for that user's permissions.
The company file, company logo, system preferences, data file links and Chart of Accounts links all
reside in the Manager Tasks menu.
Using the same license per workstation, multiple companies within the same ownership may be created and accessed, each composed
of separate preferences, and user / task security. System preferences allow options such as picking, backorder,
confirmation, numbering conventions, invoice requirements, sequential or date sequential invoice numbering, customer hourly rates,
duplicate line-item products, and many other new options to be turned on or off across the board for each company.
In conjunction with user permissions, the manager can work out very desirable security results through the filtered menus.
Given specific preferential settings the Sales Order Maintenance and other screens dynamically adapt to
different layouts, thus representing only the options to be used by the company.
The menu system can reach up to 4 levels, which are sufficient to keep related tasks closer together, even
if the same task resides in multiple menu items to facilitate access. This will help the operator jump from
one task to another with a minimum number of keystrokes. And should the operator get disoriented, the search (binoculars)
feature will get things back on the right track.
The system consists of Purchase Order, Accounts Payable, General Ledger, Inventory Control, Sales Order,
Order Processing, Picking, Backorder, Invoicing, Delivery Confirmation, Accounts Receivable and Cash Receipts applications,
as well as General Code Maintenance, Closing and Reporting menus. Purchase Order, Accounts Payable, General Ledger,
Inventory Control, Picking, Backorder and Delivery Confirmation are not necessary to run the application, which allows
for an easy start up with the application, while allowing future implementation of desired items. We are there
to walk you through such future implementation, and to keep your database in good shape.
Since the completion of each step leads you right into the following menu item, closing menus make it easier,
and safer to close the cycle. Every menu includes context-sensitive help, which may be accessed by pressing
the 'F1' key at any time. And every menu remembers the last task per specific computer and sub-menu, which helps
when returning from a break, or turning on the computer. The company messages screen allows maintenance of separate
messages that reside on the footer on the last page of the Purchase Order, Sales Invoice and Customer Statement.
The messages may be overridden by images or other objects to represent special greetings, holidays or advertisements.
Purchases are automatically assigned prices from Vendor / Product / UM history, which is
automatically updated or created. In order to compare prices, alternate Vendors by Cost Ascending may be browsed
in the Vendor Price History file.
Sales prices may be automatically assigned from customer hourly rates for services, or from the
inventory file by U/M or unit, or from an unlimited number of customer price levels, which provide a Profit Margin %
under or over inventory sales price, Average Cost or Last Cost In, depending on each separate
level code record. Price levels are maintained only in one Price Level screen and Profit Margin changes are automatically
cascaded through the appropriate customers. In addition, customer price codes can represent a different price level
hierarchy, which the Price Code per Product file can deliver.
Special sales prices may also be set to override other pricing methods, given an invoice date range, and the specific
Customer / Products / UM combination, with the option to select all invoice dates. And of course, the
hierarchy of each of the above settings determines which price will automatically kick in during order entry. Customer
hourly rates or Special Prices override everything, and if they don't apply, then price levels or code get assigned, otherwise the
standard inventory price per UM or EA takes effect. And based on the customer and product for that specific sales
order, all the options will actually work concurrently, in Windows, or in the Web order entry modules.
Top Customers and Top Products may be displayed or printed alphabetically within sales descending, for only active,
only inactive, or all records. Sales history reports allow the selected months to be compared to the previous year, and
provide multiple detail levels, including a 24-month cross tab for quantity and dollars sold by month. Inventory Control
reports supply quantities available, allocated and on backorder.
All aging reports, statements and ledgers exclude invoices and payments made after the specified date ranges.
Therefore, you may proceed processing transactions and print the reports as of a past date. Receivables and Payables
Terms Aging reports allow variable number-of-day columns, credit balance account exclusion, summary or detail, three different
account orders and ranges, and selection of late accounts from the specified column on. All report headings identify the
corresponding criteria.
Customer Statements select all records, or only those which are late the specified number of days. Given a
statement date range, the option to browse customers by statement date descending allows the operator to select
which statements to print. The statements may include transactions which were paid on or after a specified date,
therefore, a historical statement may be sent to a customer. The system allows for partial payments, as well as
multiple payments per invoice.
During their specific customer option both the Customer Statement and the Sales Invoice
currently provide the option to replace the print preview window with an automatic email with PDF
attachment. Making sure that the customer already has a resolved email address on file you may access the
specific record, and click the email command. Pending is automatically printing, emailing or faxing based on the
customer's options on file, while this will change the current report not to cover all the records in one report, and instead
to handle a single customer record per report, looping to the next customer on the next report. In this fashion
we can just click go and all invoices or statements are handled in one shot, with emails going only to each corresponding
recipient. However, an errors email address should be dedicated to track delivery errors via the return address.