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Advance to top Features of Quick Pix Flex View
Quick Pix Flex View™ is normally downloaded and setup in a Windows desktop, server or laptop computer.  The graphical tool was designed to provide desirable features, which are generally not all offered in other light-weight image viewers.  The object for us was to deliver a tool to quickly open email attachment or filesystem images, while remembering a number of current, as well as default settings such as multiple fitting, save quality and window size and mode.  In reality the application was created for ourselves, out of frustation with the poor features in most other offerings, and yet it is lightweight enough to run several image comparisons in concurrent sessions, which we know is a must for any designer.
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While unlicensed, this application is the only means to perform registration, to login and purchase, or to request an unlock key, which are the 3 steps required to validate the license in each computer, but you register only once.  Setup automatically applies administrative privileges as the application is installed only once per computer.  Therefore switching users will employ the same license, which is located in the common application data folder under a sub-folder for the application, which also includes basic settings.

You may Download the Quick Pix Flex View application from this link, or follow the Products menu.   Or you can view a Video demonstration.

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BK Consultants
Rev: 11/04/2023
04:30 PM EDT